#Green Living

3 Ways to Make Your Commute More Eco-Friendly

Have you ever wanted to save the environment? Depending on your situation, there’s several ways your commute could have a positive impact. Transportation creates an incredibly large carbon footprint. But small actions by large groups of people can produce big results.

Here’s 4 areas to make your commute eco-friendlier.

Bike to work

Biking to work is good for you and good for the environment. It also can be good for your wallet. Some organizations offer a $20 subsidy per month in bike equipment and repairs. Although there are no tax benefits to employers who offer biking, it is a great perk to offer to your employees.

Employees also save money on gas while getting in some early-morning exercise. And your workout will already be accomplished before you open your email.

Public transportation

Commuting to work doesn’t mean you have to drive. While commuter benefits do cover parking, there are plenty of other ways to get to work that are more friendly to the environment.

You can just as easily save money by using your commuter benefits for fares and passes on public transportation. Take a bus, subway, ferry, train, vanpool, or trolley; commuter benefits work on all of them.

Commuters enjoy the benefits of reading, meditating or relaxing while the roads are clogged with cars, traffic jams, and red lights. Your stress level will go down too.

Public transportation allows you to cut down on carbon emissions and reduce costs on gas and tolls. Plus, the extra walking you’ll do from your transit stop to the office will have great benefits for your health.

Rideshare (Lyft Shared)

Do you and your colleagues use rideshare services? If not, it’s a good thing to consider if you don’t mind sharing a ride.

Using shared functions allow you to enjoy incredible financial benefits, not to mention taking a car off the road and helping the environment. With four riders in your shared ride, for example, you’re taking four cars off the road.

With commuter benefits, you can travel together in small groups sharing a ride to the same location. Edenred Benefits partners with Lyft to offer an alternative way to commute to work through your employee program and the use of your prepaid card.


Commuting needs are changing. To help your employees adjust, we’ve added new shared mobility options integrated into one commuter account. Best of all, we will identify pre-tax eligible expenses, so your company and employees continue to receive tax incentives and remain compliant with the IRS regulations.

Our flexible commuting options include:

  • Bike sharing
  • Bike shops
  • E-scooters
  • E-mopeds
  • Corporate shuttles

Whether the daily commute starts on a train and ends with a shared bike, or if your employees want to avoid crowds, we got them covered. With more freedom and flexibility than ever before, your employees will feel comfortable commuting to work with our shared mobility options.

They will also enjoy receiving discounts and perks through our diverse partner catalog. We are currently partnered with Lime, SPIN, Wheels, Revel, Link, Lyft, BusUp, SpotHero, and Ridepanda.

Edenred is here to help

If you’d like to learn more about commuter benefits, schedule a meeting with us so we can discuss the options that will be best for you and your employees.

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