#HR Trends and Insights

Attracting future workers: 4 workplace changes

Do you offer your employees paid time off to volunteer? Smaller “nooks” in the office so your team can gather quickly to collaborate? Remote working opportunities, even if you live right down the street from work?

That’s just a sample of the workplace of the future. However, the reality is…it’s already here.
Businesses are evolving to attract and recruit top talent. The evolution is happening in large part because of the Millennial generation. It could comprise 50-75 percent of the workforce by 2025. Some estimates say it makes up about 45 percent or more now.
Their work preferences, lifestyle, and the fact they grew up with advanced technology give them different perspectives on the workplace compared to the generations before them.
So to attract and retain the top talent from this generation, businesses have been urged to adapt both in benefits and how work gets done.
Want to know what your workplace needs to attract top talent? Here are 4 trends that are happening now.
1 – Collaboration and an office that supports it
Microsoft surveyed 1,000 millennials to find the “secrets” of what would make them remain at a company. One of those was to work for companies with a culture of collaboration.
Millennials like to work in teams. They tend to favor group recognition while individual performance or recognition is not as important.
Businesses have adapted by redesigning workspaces with collaboration in mind. “Nooks” are designed so small teams can gather quickly to brainstorm new ideas or update each other on projects.
Companies are also creating large “hubs,” where people, teams and solo workers can gather to do work in informal settings. Think the cafeteria but much (much) more appealing.
2 – Benefits
Millennials want great benefits packages like generations before them. It goes without saying that your company needs to provide excellent health insurance . But Millenials are looking for more.
They also want things like paid time off so they can volunteer and other perks that show you value them on a personal level.

One way to show your employees you value them is to offer commuter benefits to lessen the burden on their daily commutes to the office. Not only can commuters can save up to 40 percent on their commuting costs for public transit and parking, but it also helps to reduce stress and increase productivity.  And as an added benefit, even businesses save an average of 7.65 percent on payroll taxes. 

>> Learn How Pre-Tax Commuter Benefits Work <<

3 – Technology
In the Microsoft survey, technology was another “secret” that attracted Millennials to a company. Their generation grew up with the smartphone after all. If your office is using video conferencing, Slack, social media, and providing e-learning opportunities, you have a leg up on your competition.
4 – Flexibility
Does anyone want to be chained to a desk forever? Probably not, and definitely not Millennials. Flexible work arrangements are becoming more popular, and companies see how it makes sense to be forward-thinking in this area.
Remote working opportunities, telecommuting, moving to a 4-day work week, and even extended vacation for longer trips are some of the ways companies are handling time spent outside of work to regroup and recharge.
Want the workplace of the future? As a new generation of workers enters the workforce, you’re going to need it to remain competitive. Why not start today?
Make your company a more attractive employer by offering commuter benefits. If you want to learn more about commuter benefits, download the 101 Guide below:

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