#Green Living

3 tips to reduce daily carbon impact

We are paperless, we are wireless, we upload and keep our files and photos in the cloud, we recycle, we bike, use transit and carpool. We are doing more than ever before to reduce our carbon footprint, but according to NASA’s latest climate vital signs, there’s still more we can do and should be doing. Take a look at easy 3 ways to reduce your carbon impact.

Free and Easy Online Carbon Calculators

Where do you stand? Research and technology can now provide us with so much more data to give us a better idea of our carbon footprint. Free online carbon calculators can calculate based on where you live, how much energy you use, how much you spend on shopping and activities including vacations, hosting events.
You can also calculate your impact, as an individual or organization and make a donation that will go toward actions, like planting trees that will offset your impact. A few free online calculators to consider include the Conservation International, carbonfootprint.com, The Nature Conservancy, and Carbonfund.org.

Earth Safe Traveling

Spring travel statistics released by Airlines of America revealed that a record-setting 151 million passengers will be traveling in March and April thanks to higher competition and lower fares. Of course, sudden population growth, use of resources and transportation-related emissions all have an impact on the environment. But there are some ways to get where you need to go and while keeping it carbon light.
For example, choosing a green hotel that is locally owned, operated and staffed, and gives back to the community. And during your stay, keeping showers short and shutting off the TV, lights, air conditioning, heat and any other electronic devices before heading out for the day are all great eco-habits to have while traveling.

Learn 5 Ways Eco-Driving Can Save You Money!

Live Waste Free

Living waste-free lifestyle has been around for several years now and is taking hold which is a good thing when you consider that in a single year, Americans produce 258 million tons of waste and that only one-tenth of all waste gets recycled. Living waste-free goes beyond recycling and being strict about accepting incoming materials like flyers, free swag, and unwanted mail.

It also means a commitment to reusable products like containers, wrapping material, and bags and avoiding all of the disposable bottles, carriers, and utensils that are widespread in our everyday life. Finally, when it comes to organic material like food, composting is better than letting it fill up landfills. Do it right, and a year’s worth of trash could possibly fit in a glass jar.

Ready to make a difference? If you’re cycling, walking, or riding transit and carpooling using your tax-free commuter benefits, you already have a great start.

Ready for more eco-friendly tips? Here are more ways to “greenify” your daily routine:

10 Ways to be Green at the Office – Part 1

10 Ways to be Green at the Office – Part 2 

Going Green at Home, at Work and on the Commute

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