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5 Asian Cities Revamping Commuting

Asian cities are transforming the way their citizens move around, and the changes could have a significant impact in the coming years.
Asian cities are already offering citizens new means of transportation, like autonomous vehicles and shared car fleets. It’s the next-generation of mobility, and it will change how we commute and move around. Other mobility platforms include electrification and multimodal platforms.

These forms of transportation are important as more and more people move to cities. With congested streets, it can be harder and harder to use your own vehicle to navigate an urban area now. And with groups now pushing hard for efficient and sustainable transportation, cities will be looking for places that have had success to make changes.
Here are five Asian cities that are ranked in the Top 10 of the Urban Mobility Readiness Index and what those cities are doing to change transportation.


Singapore features a collaboration between academia and businesses. The city has a “tech hub” that attracts mobility startups. It’s also smart-city experiments in autonomous vehicles and traffic management.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong features an extremely high rate of mass transit usage — 88 percent of the city’s transportation.
It ranks high in social impact and is an excellent example of what can happen here in the United States when cities that have public transit systems push for commuter benefits.

Commuter benefits allow riders to save up to $270 per month. The money can be used in public transit, rideshares and qualified parking.

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Beijing features significant government investments in public transportation, new energy, and logistics industries. It’s also developing ride-hailing and vehicle-sharing companies.


Seoul is a great place to be a commuter or a walker. It is known for its walkability and the high number of public transit stations.


Tokyo has a public transportation system that’s known to be reliable and well-run. It’s affordable for residents. The city also has an extensive network of bike and bus lanes and encourages residents not to take cars.
To learn more about commuter benefits, download the 101 Guide below:

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