#Commuter Lifestyle

May 21st is National Bike to Work Day

3 Tips for Pedaling Your Way to Work Safely
Where would some of you be without your bike? Before the pandemic, about 872,000 commuters used it to get to work every day. If you’re one of those people, you’ll want to celebrate National Bike to Work Day on May 21st.
Though it’s a small portion of the total number of commuters in the United States, bikers are known to be passionate about their preferred method of commuting. With the pandemic, there’s a good possibility more people will start biking to work again in the summer and fall.
In honor of National Bike to Work Day, here are some share the road and safety tips for riders:
1 – Wear a helmet and other protective gear
Nearly 75 percent of all fatal bike crashes include an injury to the head. Ninety-seven percent of those who died did not wear a helmet. Bicyclists who wear helmets have lower injury and fatality statistics. Wearing a helmet on your bike commute is mandatory if you want to be safe.
2 – Know the most common collisions with motor vehicles
Do you know what the 10 most common bicycle-motor vehicle accidents are? The website BicycleSafe.com has published its list along with what you should be doing to keep yourself safe.
For example, have you ever heard of “The Door Prize” collision? That’s when a motorist opens their door just as you’re passing by on your bike, and you can’t stop in time. The website urges cyclists to ride far enough to the left so you won’t run into any doors.
You can check out all 10 collisions and what to do by visiting BicycleSafe.com.
3 – Don’t hide at intersections
Drivers can zone out at an intersection and completely lose sight of you if you are not positioned on the left side of your lane. It’s important that you wear biking clothing that’s going to make it easy for drivers to see you.
Do you want to use a bike for your commute? There’s current legislation to make it a commuter benefit again. Tell your employer to contact us, and we can show them how company employees can use prepaid cards for bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters.
For more information, visit www.commuterbenefits.com.

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