#HR Trends and Insights

The top 5 employee wellness benefits for 2022

Between the pandemic and The Great Resignation, employers have had to retool their benefit packages to attract new talent and retain current employees. Nowhere is that clearer than with employee wellness programs. While these programs have often maintained traditional offerings, they’ve expanded significantly to cover other areas where employees want help or service.

Here are the top 5 employee wellness program offerings for 2022.

1 – Financial wellness

Financial wellness is a core offering for many employer wellness programs. Employees are looking for educational classes, personalized financial support, and tools to help them manage their finances. Some programs go even further and offer programs like tuition savings plans.

2 – Mental health

According to Limeade, about 70 percent of employees said they feel burned out. Mental health issues have skyrocketed to the forefront of employee wellness. As employees have asked for help, companies have responded. Employee Assistance Programs, outside counseling, and stress reduction education are prominent in 2022 wellness programs.

3 – Physical health

The average weight gain during the pandemic has been 29 pounds. Wellness programs are the perfect way to get people the help they need to lose unwanted weight. Programs often feature nutrition counseling, diet planning with a dietician, weight loss programs, and more.

4 – Fitness

Physical wellness is important, but another half of weight loss is fitness. Various programs will feature gym memberships, yoga and other classes, personal training, equipment reimbursement, and more.

Companies must balance how they can manage these programs with so many people working remotely or in a hybrid setup.

5 – Child and elder care services

One of the things that stressed employees out the most during the pandemic was childcare and eldercare. With schools teaching students remotely, parents found themselves in challenging situations when trying to work and ensuring their kids got an education. It was a similar situation for the caretakers of parents or other elderly family members or friends.

Some wellness programs are providing ways to help. Those services include providing locator services for care, providing childcare in the office, assisting employees in finding backup help for care duties, urging employees to work flex time when needed, and more.

It all adds up to a philosophy of taking care of the whole employee. That means providing traditional and non-traditional benefits to help employees reduce stress and remain productive.

Edenred’s Lifestyle Spending Accounts offer you the opportunity to customize your employee wellness program, so it fits the needs of your employees. We can help you create a program that works for your company, whether your employees work in the office or work remotely.

If you’d like to learn more, schedule a meeting with us today so we can discuss what we can do for you.

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