The daily commute: for many, it’s a necessary, but grueling part of the workday. However, as we stand on the precipice of a transportation revolution, it’s time to reimagine what the daily commute can be. As we navigate the future of mobility, how can companies transform the commute into a positive, empowering experience for employees?
Come on, let’s find out!
Future of mobility: what do you need to know?
Three key trends are changing mobility: the sharing economy, Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and sustainability.
With 1.3 billion vehicles in use worldwide and private cars accounting for 45% of all trips¹, a shift towards shared, sustainable mobility solutions is not just desirable, it’s essential.
Sharing Economy
The sharing economy is reshaping the way we think about transportation and the future of mobility. Ride-sharing services, shared bike and scooter schemes, and other shared mobility options are on the rise, reducing the need for private car ownership.
The United States is leading this change by passing the 2022 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which allocates $1.44 billion per year² for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside fund. In cities like San Francisco, minimum parking requirements have been eliminated to combat traffic congestion and reduce harmful emissions. City leaders are even exploring the idea of dedicating specific lanes to ride-sharing vehicles, further promoting the adoption of this flexible and sustainable mobility choice.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
The rise of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is reshaping how we travel with its convenient and comprehensive approach.
Valued at USD 15.69 billion in 2021 and projected to reach a staggering USD 78.46 billion by 2027³, the global MaaS market is poised for exponential growth.
MaaS integrates transportation options like public transportation, ridesharing, carpooling, car-sharing, and bike-sharing. This choice reduces the need for private cars and makes commuting more sustainable, efficient, and livable.

Understand employees’ challenges with commuting
As we navigate the future of mobility, it’s important to recognize the challenges many employees face when commuting.
Traffic Congestion
Did you know that traffic congestion not only wastes valuable time but also hampers employee productivity? According to the most recent Global Traffic Scorecard by INRI, drivers in major cities lose an average of 51 hours and $869 in lost time due to traffic. This problem leads to stress and frustration, impacting employees’ productivity and job satisfaction.
The cost of transportation
Gas prices have risen significantly in recent years, making commuting an increasingly difficult task for many employees. From fuel costs to public transit fares, the financial burden can be high. That’s why it’s important to take a look at your commute options – whether that be car, bike, or bus – to see if there are ways to cut down on the costs.
Limited Options
Many employees struggle with commuting daily, and the limited options can make things even more difficult. This difficulty leads to transit congestion, gas emissions, and other problems with private vehicles. They seem like the most convenient option at the time, but they’re the worst solution.
Work-Life Balance
Long commutes can have a negative impact on work-life balance, leading to burnout and decreased job satisfaction. This can be especially detrimental to employees who commute on a daily or weekly basis. Employers can help employees have a better work-life balance by focusing on future mobility.
Impact on Mental Well-Being
The constant stress of commuting can take a toll on employees’ mental health. A company’s productivity and well-being can be greatly enhanced if employee stress is reduced.
How could companies help employees flourish then?
By understanding commuting problems, companies help their employees and make them happier. To do this, they need to implement strategies that match the future of mobility.
Encourage Active Transportation
If employees can choose active commuting options, like e-scooter, e-moped rental or biking, it will improve their health, reduce congestion, and reduce carbon emissions.
Embrace Technology
Technology is rapidly changing the way we travel, making commuting easier and more enjoyable. Companies can use these developments to make employees’ commutes easier, more pleasant, and more efficient.
Offer Commuter Benefit Plans
Here’s where employers can step in and play a pivotal role in helping employees cut back on their commuting expenses: Edenred’s commuter benefits. These benefits allow employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for commuting expenses like public transit, parking, and vanpools. This reduces their taxable income, directly impacting their finances. Moreover, companies also save on payroll taxes—an average of $45 per employee per month. For a company with 50 employees, this could result in annual savings of $27,000.
Edenred’s commuter benefits: The future of mobility is here
As we stand on the brink of this new era of mobility, companies have a key role to play. The challenges that employees face today in commuting — congestion, high costs, limited options — are significant, but they are also a catalyst for change. They push us to seek better, more innovative solutions.
Companies can help change the commute by embracing trends and taking proactive steps to address employees’ challenges. This change can improve the commuting experience and contribute to a more sustainable future of mobility.
Mobility in the future isn’t just about getting from A to B — it’s about the journey in between. It’s about making the daily commute a positive experience, one that empowers employees and contributes to their well-being. Because when employees thrive, so do companies.
As we navigate the future of mobility, let’s seize the opportunity to redefine the commute. Let’s transform the way employees travel to work, and in doing so, create a brighter, more sustainable future for us all.