#Commuter Benefits | Commuter Lifestyle | Green Living

Why you should go green during your morning commute

When you hear the phrase “go green”, your mind more than likely goes straight to recycling. While recycling is a huge aspect of going green, it’s not the only way to do so.

Your morning commute is the perfect place to implement going green strategies, and it’s much easier than you may think. If you want to know how you can help save the planet while also improving your quality of life, then this article is for you.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what a green commute looks like and tips on how to get started.

Why go green during your commute?

Practicing a green commute doesn’t just benefit your personal health, it also helps ensure that future generations will have a healthy planet to inhabit.

One reason to implement a green commute is the fact that slow-moving cars lead to a buildup of fumes, making red lights and traffic jams unhealthy and unsustainable. In addition, highways are becoming more and more congested. Finding ways to decrease the number of cars on the road is a sure way to limit harmful fumes that are emitted during commutes to and from work.

Another reason is that, commuting in a car is the least healthy way to commute. In fact, driving during a morning commute has been linked to anxiety and fumes don’t do good things for your body. Walking, cycling, and even using public transportation are much wiser alternatives.

Riding your bike or walking is beneficial because it keeps you active, alert, and sharp all of which will spill over into your productivity in the office. Opting for public transportation has its benefits too. Since you won’t have to focus on the road or worry about traffic, you’ll have more time to socialize, read the newspaper, or even catch up with friends.

Tips to get started

Starting your green commute is a big, but necessary step to take. If you’re unsure of how or where to start, here are some quick tips to follow to help make your transition easier.

Decide what’s realistic – Think clearly about your situation. For example, some people only travel five to ten minutes to work, while others may travel 45 minutes to an hour. If you have a shorter commute, walking or biking are probably the best green options. However, if your commute is longer, public transportation is probably your best bet.

Make a plan – Once you decide what’s realistic, make a plan. Decide what actionable steps you can take towards a green commute. Is it purchasing a bike? Asking your company about commuter benefit options? Or perhaps getting comfortable and durable walking shoes? Taking time to think things out will make your transition that much easier.

Get into a rhythm – You’ve decided what will work and you have a plan in place, now it’s time to get started. Going green won’t happen overnight, so finding a rhythm to start with is important. Set reminders for yourself if needed or even reach out to a friend or family member to hold you accountable. Keeping yourself motivated and having others to support your goal will help keep you in line.

How Edenred can help

Are you an employer looking for ways to support your employees going green during their commute? Schedule a meeting with us today so we can discuss what your options are and help you get started.

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