#HR Trends and Insights

Working from home challenges

3 Company Remote Work Challenges

Work-from-home arrangements arguably saved many companies from going under in 2020 and early 2021. With many companies looking to adopt permanent remote or hybrid workforces, working from home is here to stay. But that doesn’t mean it’s as easy as plugging in a laptop and logging into your email. There are many challenges teams face as employees remain spread out. Here’s a look at some of those challenges:

1 – Building and managing relationships is harder
Even when people work closely together in an office, it’s not always easy to build and maintain a working relationship. Teams could encounter internal problems with each other, and even while working with clients.
One possible solution is to mandate meeting times between individuals, small groups on different teams, or divisions that work together.

2 – Company culture has suffered
Some companies find that company culture has diluted since employees are no longer in one place. That can happen for many reasons, including communication issues, less accountability with work-from-home arrangements, and lack of development opportunities for new and experienced employees.
Company culture issues often fall on management. If you are having problems, it’s wise to speak with your managers to identify what’s going on and make sure they are not overworked.

3 – Employee distractions
It’s no secret that employees who work from home will face distractions that do not occur in the office. Some employees choose not to have a home office or don’t have room for one. Plus, there are everyday life distractions. Now employees don’t have any real-world barriers separating them from things like kids, chores, and more.

A possible solution is to make sure you are helping employees by offering benefits that mean a lot to them. Those include childcare, eldercare, and more. You can’t fix every problem, but you might be able to help a little.

If you’ve decided to call your team back into the office, a meaningful benefit for them is commuter benefits. Commuter benefits allow them to save money tax-free each month to use towards mass transit, qualified parking, or other commuting costs. Your business will also save on payroll tax.
To learn more, please visit www.edenredbenefits.com.

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